Students That Freelance

How Graduation May Change Your Student Freelancing Status

Amber Leigh Turner | May 14th, 2012 | 1 Comment

Show of hands: who recently, or is about to, graduate from college or high school? *raises hand* Like many student freelancers out there, I am one of those who is about to graduate from college. I have finished my degree requirements and I am waiting for that letter stating I have been approved for graduation. Pretty awesome feeling huh? It is so great not to have to worry about school work or anything else, but where I used to worry about school work, I now worry about my freelancing.

“It’s Our Time” Student Freelancing Giveaway!

Amber Leigh Turner | May 7th, 2012 | 7 Comments

If there is anything that my last semester taught me, it is the fact that students can do amazing things. While I was busy finishing up my college career, I realized that now, more than ever, students are wanting to explore the possibilities of freelancing while in school. So over the last several months, I worked hard on a new concept and design, and on April 23rd, I relaunched Students That Freelance into the site design you see today. But this is only the beginning.

The Newly Relaunched Students That Freelance Website!

Amber Leigh Turner | April 23rd, 2012 | 4 Comments

If you are reading this in your RSS reader, then you are missing out on a great part of the site! I have relaunched Students That Freelance today with a new design and tons of goodies coming your way!

Tips for Using Social Media as a Student Freelancer

Amber Leigh Turner | October 24th, 2011 | 4 Comments

Social media, social media, social media. It is everywhere and becoming more and more integrated into our lives, the websites we visit, and how we conduct business. For some freelancers, including students, the use of social media can even assist in landing jobs or help them when they are stuck. So what are some of the common things you should know and learn about using social media as a student freelancer?

Things to consider before you start freelancing as a student

Amber Leigh Turner | October 19th, 2011 | 2 Comments

With the economy like it is and the fact that jobs are becoming harder and harder to find, more students are wanting to turn away from the future rat race of finding a job and become self employed as a freelancer. That is great and all, but are you cut out for it?

Dribbble Invite Giveaway Winner!

Amber Leigh Turner | October 17th, 2011 | 5 Comments

Well the day has finally come to announce who won the Dribbble invite. Man, let me tell you. It was tough! I had such a hard time narrowing down images.

Dribbble Invite Giveaway!

Amber Leigh Turner | October 3rd, 2011 | 34 Comments

We are back today with a great giveaway for all of our readers here on Students That Freelance! Today, we are opening up the giveaway for an invite to Dribbble, a "show and tell for creatives."

Winner of the UPrinting Custom Business Card Giveaway

Amber Leigh Turner | September 26th, 2011 | 2 Comments

Last week, we featured a print giveaway from the fine folks at UPrinting. With three entries, everyone had a 33.333...% chance of winning (yes, I am a math nerd). Thus, who was the lucky winner?

Fundamentals for your online freelance portfolio

David Sumner | September 21st, 2011 | 1 Comment

In this economic climate thousands of freelance students are finding it tougher than ever to land their perfect job. After studying for many years and racking up a huge debt it can be utterly demoralizing to find that once you’ve graduated from University, you’ll be fighting it out with hundreds of thousands of other qualified and eager graduates in the search for work. Law and medical graduates have it far easier than most as it is common for Law firms and Hospital boards to actively target the University campus in search for talent. For the rest of us however, if we want to survive after University in a market saturated with qualified graduates, then freelancing represents an exciting opportunity to get some experience in a specific field and yet maintain control over your own life and finances.

UPrinting Custom Business Card Giveaway!

Amber Leigh Turner | September 19th, 2011 | 4 Comments

Today we are pleased to offer a giveaway on behalf of UPrinting to Students That Freelance readers! Here is your chance to win one set of 250 Custom Business Cards!

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