First off, let me summarize that everyone who entered won something, which is great! Every blog owner wishes more people would enter their giveaways and contests, but at least every prize is claimed!
Winners of the Five Prizes!
Let’s start off with the winners of the five other prizes, which includes a digital copy of “Student Freelancing 101” the day it releases later this summer, and a lifetime freelancer account to Myows (worth $60/year).
Those lucky winners are:
- Laci Morgan
- Daniel
- susie liberatore
- Brittney
- Philip Rau
Congrats you guys! I will be emailing each one of you with more information on how to redeem your prizes!
And the grand prize goes to…
There were six eligible entries. There was seven comments, but one double entry (comments #1 and #5). So in order to make it fair for all, I told the random number generator to pick a number between 2 and 7.
So the winner is:
candace gerard!
She was the third commenter, and according to the random number generator, #3 wins!
Congrats candace! I will be in touch with you to find out how to claim all of your prizes, which include a Lifetime Pro+ Subscription to Myows Online Copyright Protection, One Full Year of Membership to Tuts+ Premium, 50 Personalized Bottle Openers/Keychains from Amsterdam Printing, 250 Stickers provided by PrintRunner, and an advanced digital copy of “Student Freelancing 101,” which you will receive an entire week before everyone else is able to get it!
Congrats to everyone who won and thanks for entering!