Students That Freelance

Student Freelancers and Spec Work

Amber Leigh Turner | January 17th, 2011 | 2 Comments

As a starting student freelancer, there may be times where you are tempted with a job offer that states something along the lines of “send us your logo design and we will chose among the best designs and pay the winning designer $XXX amount of money.” Sounds great and all right? Well I am going to explain why it isn’t so great after all.

Helpful Links for Student Freelancers: 1-7-11

Amber Leigh Turner | January 7th, 2011 | No Comments

Let's start off the new year with a handful of helpful links for student freelancers! All kinds of links this time so it should give you plenty of reading material for your weekend!

Finding Ways to Gain a Sustainable Competitive Advantage as a Student Freelancer

Amber Leigh Turner | January 5th, 2011 | 1 Comment

Not only am I a graphic design student, I am also a business student. And as you can imagine, I have to read a lot about business. Over the last semester, one phrase kept cropping up time and time again: sustainable competitive advantage. Sounds like it is important. The more I seen that phrase appear, the more my understanding of it began to solidify. So with anything I read, I always try to relate it to freelancing to see what can be learned. This time, I think something very valuable can be learned from that phrase.

Time to Celebrate the New Year, STF Style!

Amber Leigh Turner | January 3rd, 2011 | No Comments

The holidays have come and gone and the new year has rang in! The rest of the world is now getting back into the swing of things and so are we here at STF. After a brief hiatus from writing and delivering articles to our readers, we are back with tons of great articles for student freelancers worldwide.

The Power of Planning

Amber Leigh Turner | November 17th, 2010 | No Comments

I am sure I have touched on this in several of my posts on this site before, but as a subject that I feel is pretty dang important, I feel as though I should elaborate more. Planning effects everything in our lives, no matter what we are doing, and even more so in our professional lives as well.

STF is Now Featuring Guest Posting From the Community!

Amber Leigh Turner | November 15th, 2010 | 3 Comments

We are excited to announce that starting today, we are allowing our community of wonderful student freelancers to submit articles for publishing here on Students That Freelance! As we continue to say, we want to develop a community, and what better way than to help others in the community make their freelance practice better!

A Few Reasons Why Freelancing Helps Your Academic Career

Amber Leigh Turner | November 8th, 2010 | No Comments

Freelancing as a student has quite a few perks. You can make as much or as little money as you want. You can set your own schedule. But there are also many perks and benefits you get while freelancing as a student that I bet you didn’t realize. Freelancing can actually help improve your academic career. Below I will outline just some of the many ways freelancing can help you become a better student.

Ask STF, Interviews, Wallpapers, Oh MY!

Amber Leigh Turner | October 29th, 2010 | No Comments

We have been working hard to develop ways in which we can get our lovely community involved in what we do here at STF. We are still looking for Ask STF questions, student freelancers to feature, and to help promote our readers with a chance to submit wallpaper for the community to download. Thus, we wanted to give a quick recap of these different ways to participate and help get involved with STF!

Why You Should Think Big About Your Freelancing

Amber Leigh Turner | October 25th, 2010 | 1 Comment

Ever sat and wondered where your freelancing will take you? Do you plan to stay a one man band, or do you want to expand and become a decent size firm? Are you not even sure where you want your freelancing to take you? With all of these types of questions always come answers, it is just a matter of what, when, and how. What do you want to achieve? When do you want it to happen? How are you going to get there? All these questions are reasons why freelancers, even student freelancers, should think big about their freelancing business.

Design Wallpaper for STF!

Amber Leigh Turner | October 22nd, 2010 | 2 Comments

We are going to start featuring a section of our site dedicated to those that want to show their creative skills off while helping to promote STF. This section will feature the best wallpapers for student freelancers! Anything about freelancing as a student or about STF can be submitted!

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