Students That Freelance

Tips on How to Balance School, Freelancing and a Part-Time Job

Amber Leigh Turner | August 1st, 2012 | 2 Comments

While few and far between, there are student freelancers that are not only going to school and freelancing, but also have an additional job on top of that. Be it working on campus, volunteering, or employed at a retail establishment nearby, some student freelancers have extremely busy schedules with trying to balance three major activities in their life. For those freelancers, it is extremely tough to pull off the balancing act with all of these things. How can it be done?

How Graduation May Change Your Student Freelancing Status

Amber Leigh Turner | May 14th, 2012 | 1 Comment

Show of hands: who recently, or is about to, graduate from college or high school? *raises hand* Like many student freelancers out there, I am one of those who is about to graduate from college. I have finished my degree requirements and I am waiting for that letter stating I have been approved for graduation. Pretty awesome feeling huh? It is so great not to have to worry about school work or anything else, but where I used to worry about school work, I now worry about my freelancing.

Fall Semester About to Start? Tips and Tricks for Survival as a Student Freelancer

Amber Leigh Turner | August 15th, 2011 | 2 Comments

I don’t know about you, but my fall semester--the busiest of my collegiate career--will begin two weeks from today. Where did summer break go? If you are like me, chances are you spent most of your summer working on freelance projects and building your business. Kudos to you my friend! But when school starts, the time we have to work on our freelance business and meet client needs dwindles. Fast. With two weeks (give or take a few depending on your college) before the school year starts up again, I am going to share with you some tips and tricks to make going back to school easier on the student freelancer who also has a business to run.

A Student Freelancer’s Income Potential

Amber Leigh Turner | July 13th, 2011 | 3 Comments

While reading through “Freelance Confidential” by Amanda Hackwith (of which yours truly has been featured in), I ran across an interesting statistic relating to the age of a freelancer and their average income. Thinking about these statistics relating to my own student freelancing career got me thinking, “maybe I am making the average.”

The Power of Planning

Amber Leigh Turner | November 17th, 2010 | No Comments

I am sure I have touched on this in several of my posts on this site before, but as a subject that I feel is pretty dang important, I feel as though I should elaborate more. Planning effects everything in our lives, no matter what we are doing, and even more so in our professional lives as well.

A Few Reasons Why Freelancing Helps Your Academic Career

Amber Leigh Turner | November 8th, 2010 | No Comments

Freelancing as a student has quite a few perks. You can make as much or as little money as you want. You can set your own schedule. But there are also many perks and benefits you get while freelancing as a student that I bet you didn’t realize. Freelancing can actually help improve your academic career. Below I will outline just some of the many ways freelancing can help you become a better student.

Why You Should Think Big About Your Freelancing

Amber Leigh Turner | October 25th, 2010 | 1 Comment

Ever sat and wondered where your freelancing will take you? Do you plan to stay a one man band, or do you want to expand and become a decent size firm? Are you not even sure where you want your freelancing to take you? With all of these types of questions always come answers, it is just a matter of what, when, and how. What do you want to achieve? When do you want it to happen? How are you going to get there? All these questions are reasons why freelancers, even student freelancers, should think big about their freelancing business.

A Red Flag and a Response to Being a Student Freelancer

Amber Leigh Turner | July 5th, 2010 | 4 Comments

I think it is safe to say that one of the biggest struggles student freelancers deal with on the day to day basis is when clients and potential clients question your student status. Recently, I received the following email:

Charging Per Hour or Per Project? The Student Freelancer Perspective

Amber Leigh Turner | May 26th, 2010 | 3 Comments

When I first started freelancing, I really juggled with how to charge for projects. I started out charging per project, then switched to per hour because other freelancers stated that it was best. Then after working on a per hour basis, I realized that for me it was best to charge per project. I am sure that other beginning student freelancers struggle with the same dilemma as well. To charge per hour or by project? That is the question.

How to Prepare for When Disaster Strikes

Amber Leigh Turner | May 12th, 2010 | 3 Comments

During the recent flooding and tornadoes that came through Middle Tennessee at the first of the month, it got me thinking about how unprepared I am, personally and professionally, for when disaster strikes. Granted, I am probably more prepared than most, I am still not completely prepared, and every time severe weather is in the forecast for my area, it makes me nervous knowing that if something happens that takes out everything I own, that not only will I have to recover personally, but my freelancing will also have to recover as well. Today I will outline some crucial things to keep in mind to help you become prepared for when disaster strikes.

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