If you are reading this in your RSS reader, then you are missing out on a great part of the site! I have relaunched Students That Freelance today with a new design and tons of goodies coming your way!

The holidays have come and gone and the new year has rang in! The rest of the world is now getting back into the swing of things and so are we here at STF. After a brief hiatus from writing and delivering articles to our readers, we are back with tons of great articles for student freelancers worldwide.
We are excited to announce that starting today, we are allowing our community of wonderful student freelancers to submit articles for publishing here on Students That Freelance! As we continue to say, we want to develop a community, and what better way than to help others in the community make their freelance practice better!
We have been working hard to develop ways in which we can get our lovely community involved in what we do here at STF. We are still looking for Ask STF questions, student freelancers to feature, and to help promote our readers with a chance to submit wallpaper for the community to download. Thus, we wanted to give a quick recap of these different ways to participate and help get involved with STF!
First off I should apologize for the lack of postings over the last few weeks. Things have been crazy busy here. Freelancing, school, you know. But have no fear, we are ramping things up for an exciting and action-packed summer full of the best freelancing tips and tricks for those student freelancers!
We are looking for great student freelancers to help promote through a feature on Students That Freelance. If you haven't caught our interviews before, then you are missing out on learning about some wonderful student freelancers doing great things! Want to be the next featured student freelancer on the site?