Come one, come all, it is the first EVER International Freelancers Day! Jam packed with all kinds of great speakers, wonderful presentations, and the best information to take your "business of one to the next level," this two day event is sure to be a one of a kind, powerful event for freelancers.
Ever wondered what professionals who freelance really do? How they really operate, get clients, and market themselves? Want to get a glimpse into the powerful career that freelancing can give you? Well check this out:
Looks pretty sweet doesn’t it? Well I hope you join me in watching the live sessions starting September 24th!
Check out all that they have to offer already, register for the event, and watch the presession videos to start getting ready!
Note: I wrote this post strictly on my own. No one at International Freelancers Day contacted me, paid me, or asked me to write this post.