Students That Freelance

Helpful Links for Student Freelancers: 7-9-10

by: Amber Leigh Turner
Once again, here is a new roundup of helpful links for all those student freelancers out there! A vast array of articles and forum threads, you will be sure to enjoy these links!

The Transition from Student to Full Time Freelancer-Joe Casabona. Joe is a fellow freelancer and a friend of mine from the FreelanceSwitch blog. He also participates in our forums. This is a great article about taking your freelancing full time after graduation.

5 Reasons You May Not Be Ready to Student Freelance-FreelanceSwitch. Written by yours truly, I discuss some reasons why you may not be as ready to start your student freelance career as you originally thought.

Five Freelancing Facts I Could Do Without-FreelanceFolder. Didn’t know what you were in for when you start freelancing? This article sums it up for you.

Cool PC Apps: The Top 50 PC Applications for Freelancers-FreelanceSwitch. A nice handy roundup I did for FreelanceSwitch on some of the best PC apps for freelancers. Great starting point to organize your digital workflow.

What Would You Do If Your Computer Crashed?-Freelance-Zone. Ugh, gives me chills just thinking about it, but it is something that hits too close to home for me. I had my computer crash twice in the last month, and this is a good article to get you thinking about online backups.

Have any other recent articles you would like to share with fellow student freelancers?