Simple Ways to Know What Your Client is Thinking – 1st Web Designer. Ever wanted to get inside your clients’ heads? This post might just give you that sneak peak you have been looking for. Especially for the starting student freelancer, ANY glimpse into the coveted mind that is your client will go far!
5 Design Contract Templates to Get Your Business Started – The Next Web. I am sure all of you at one time or another have went on the hunt online for a contract template. Well look no further! This is a great post of 5 contract templates you can use as a starting point in coming up with your own. Just remember, you should have a lawyer at least approve of your contract though.
And because it is spring break (or about to be) for many of you:
How to balance your work and personal life – Web And Designers. Feeling overwhelmed with your freelancing and school, along with your family and life and general? This post gives you some tips on how to get it all under control. And what a better time than spring break to start putting some of these tips in place (although you don’t have to wait until spring break to do it, you can really do these things NOW)!
10 Ways to Zap Freelancing Stress Now – Freelance Folder. Don’t know about you, but there is just something about spring that makes the clients come running for work! Here are some great ways to relax and relieve your freelancing stress when all of your clients come knocking your door down. Item number 2 I need to work on more!!
45-Second De-Stress Tips – Lifehacker. Great post to keep in mind when you start back the semester and go through that final push toward summer. Excellent list of tips to help you get rid of your stress and focus on tasks at hand. I am so very guilty of number 8!
Come across any great posts recently that you think other student freelancers will enjoy just as much? Well share it with us below!