What is your major (if in college), college/university/school, city/state/country/etc, and what do you do in your freelancing?
My major is technically called as “Design Technology Innovation”, but it is just basic graphic design degree. I’m in my last semester at the University in Southern Alabama working on my BA, but as of January 2010 I have been studying from abroad in Sweden and will hopefully graduate from here. With my freelancing, I am beginning to focus on fashion, entertainment and product industries. Hoping to provide promotional materials, advertising, etc. I enjoy illustrative design more than traditional methods.
How long have you been freelancing and what made you start freelancing as a student?
I’ve been freelancing since I was 16, i’m 20 now, so 4 and 1/2 years.
To be honest, I met a girl while I was in high school and I needed some money to help her out. So I started freelancing because my job at “Smoffice Smepot” wasn’t working out very well. So I started doing small design competitions, then I got on a few biding sites and luckily enough I got a long term client from New York that really liked my work. So yeah that was a while ago… I just loved it so much I kept with it.
What are some of the best parts about being a student freelancer?
Ha not having to get up to physically go to work. I can be comfortable when I’m sick, tired, don’t have to travel to go there. Yeah, way better than a regular job for me, considering my sleeping habits.
I enjoy being creative and there aren’t many jobs that allow that. I’m happy to hear clients say “here’s the text, just send me back your concept”. Then there is the no working hours limitation, it’s good to work till 6 in the morning when your in the flow of things.
It’s interesting to me to manage myself, I feel like I’m in control of my ups and downs. It sucks when no work is coming in, but I feel really good when I get a new client. Really good.
What are some of the challenges you have found being a student freelancer?
Classes, grr. I honestly feel that my classes are the biggest hindrance of my getting work done. At the same time they are my responsibility, even online classes are irritating to do. I mean, who ever invented “History”.. yeah I need to talk to that guy.
Where do you hope your freelancing career will take you in the future?
More freelancing 🙂 I hope to never have a job at a traditional design firm at a desk. I enjoy working with firms from time to time to get the experience in, and it’s a change of pace. But at the same time it would irritate me to do that for long term in a permanent position, even if it were design related.
I just want to work independently, hopefully gather a clientele large enough to manage that.
Where can our readers see your work and read more about you?
The best way to get in touch is just to contact me by email or similar. I am very open to meeting other people and designers.
There are links on my site for information, also the Twitters, Facebook page, Blog, LinkedIn…Uhm I think that as all. Just email me!
Want to be featured? If you want all the fame, please feel free to email us with the subject “I want to be interviewed!” We plan to feature one student freelancer a week.