This week the question is something all student freelancers struggle with at some point or another. Not knowing exactly how to handle it can cause alot of frustrating for beginning student freelancers. Thus, this week’s question is:
To spill your student status, or not to spill your student status. Do you tell the client right away you are a student, or do you wait until asked and why?
I’d tell them up front, usually when they ask about me. I wanted them to know what/who they’re dealing with before we got started. Usually, my portfolio spoke for itself. Plus, when a client knows you’re a student, you can be upfront about your semester schedule and work with them to plan projects accordingly.
I have never had to tell a client I was a student and I never gave them the chance to. Personally, I stayed away from the topics that could lead into that. It is important to talk about yourself and get to know one another, but I always talked about my work experience if asked about my past. If I had class, Id just say I had another meeting or I was only available to clients on mon.wed.fri.sat. Keep in mind I had the quality of work to back it up, if your work/website looks like “student work” then your more questionable. If it looks more “professional” you seem then people are less likely to ask. I didn’t want to tell because I didn’t want to feel degraded. My goal was to be a professional and handle professional jobs. The word “student” put a shadow on the of my work and I didn’t like being treated as a student. Thought of with lower expectations.
Awesome answers to a really great question! Want the pros of student freelancing to answer that tough question you have about freelancing? Send it to us via Twitter, Facebook or email it to us! Be sure to include your name and state/country as well!
I do tell them that I am students most of the time.. I like to be honest and up front with them, especially if I am building my portfolio. I am not at the professional level yet, but know that clients should know who I am.