We are excited to announce that starting today, we are allowing our community of wonderful student freelancers to submit articles for publishing here on Students That Freelance! As we continue to say, we want to develop a community, and what better way than to help others in the community make their freelance practice better!
Starting today, we will allow for those who want to share some advice and knowledge with other freelancers to do so here on the site. We have some rules and notes however that we need prospective writers to know and understand.
- Since STF currently does not make any money, we cannot pay writers for the articles.
- Articles should be around 800-1000 words in length. Depending on the topic and how interesting the article is, we may slide on this requirement.
- Articles should be focused around student freelancing. We think regular freelancing articles are great, but this site is special because we focus on student freelancing. Please make articles related to students and their freelancing.
- First-time writers must send their article via email first, if approved or we think you have potential, you will then be able to submit articles into our backend for approval.
- Please review other articles written on the site for clarity on what types of articles we expect.
- We have the right to approve, edit, or deny any and all articles submitted or published on the site.
- You will be required to post a bio of yourself when the article is published. We believe you should get publicity for writing articles for us so you will get full credit on the site. Because of this, you must have a Gravatar image, bio, and you must list your website and/or Twitter in your bio or your articles will not be published. Exceptions can be made at our discretion.
- The articles you write for STF become property of STF once published. The articles must not reappear anywhere else on the web in its entirety. However, feel free to publish and share the link to the article anywhere you wish! (We are requiring this because we want to keep the integrity of the site in tact)
- No one is obligated to write for STF, or once they start writing, they are not obligated to continue writing if they do not wish to do so. You may write as few or as many articles as you wish, as long as they meet the requirements above. We will not request you to write specific articles UNLESS you request of us ideas for articles.
- These rules and notes are subject to change with little or no warning at our discretion.
Interested in becoming a writer for Students That Freelance? Screen your ideas or a quick write-up through us via email at hello@studentsthatfreelance.com with the subject “Write for STF.”
We can’t wait to see what our readers would like to share with others!
Excellent…my new year’s resolution is to get more active in the freelancing and blog community as well as promoting my work, so this could be a great way to do that. I’ll have to think up some ideas for articles!
Most definitely! Send them right along!
I’m hoping to start school back within the next few months. If I’m able to get my finances all in order I’ll definitely consider writing some articles for STF. Since, then I’ll be once again, a student that freelances 😉