Since graduating in August, lots and lots of things have been going on! I’m looking forward to many exciting opportunities that freelancing as a student has been able to provide for me post-graduation. I’ve been working hard to grow my own business, have taken on several different writing roles at many sites including The Next Web, and have been working on a complete revamp of Students That Freelance!
While here at Students That Freelance we write about topics important to student freelancers, there is only so much we can do through the article format of the site. Keeping this in mind, I have spend the last nine months working on a project to help student who want to start freelancing get started on the right foot. Also, within the last several months I have been working on other things that will surely bring freelancing as a student to the forefront and help all student freelancers succeed!
Student Freelancing 101: A Start-to-Finish Course to Becoming a Student Freelancer
The biggest announcement today is the prelaunch of my book, titled “Student Freelancing 101.” Today you can start preordering the book that will be released January 1, 2013. I spend much of this year on a project to help students go from start to growth in their new freelancing business, and the outcome of that project is this book!
I structured “Student Freelancing 101” more like a course that takes you from learning about freelancing, through the planning stages of your freelance career, to launching your business and making it grow! Hard-hitting topics like how much to charge, where to find your first client, and much more is covered in the over 200 pages of the book!
The book is available in three different formats: ebook (PDF, ePUB and mobi), paperback (8.25 inches by 6 inches, color gloss cover, black and white pages), and bundle versions (paperback and ebook). Prices range from $10 for ebook, $15 (plus shipping) for paperback, and $22 (plus shipping) for bundle versions.
Learn more and purchase the book at the new site: Student Freelancing 101. For all those that preorder between December 11, 2012 and December 31, 2012, you will get a coupon code for a free special goodie announced at the end of this post!!
New Students That Freelance Site coming January 1, 2013
That’s right! I have designed and developed a brand new site for Students That Freelance. I know what you are thinking, the site has changed already once this year. However, with the advances in technology and trying to keep with the target market of this site, many changes needed to be made.
The new site will feature a brand new design and logo and will be fully responsive so you can enjoy it on any device you use to connect to the Internet. More focus is being put on the readability of the site, allowing you to browse the categories and read up on the newest articles for the site.
Be prepared, as the new site will drop January 1, 2013!! This brings me to my next announcement…
Brand new posts start back up on January 1, 2013
It’s been a little quiet around here with no new posts in a few months. I hate doing that to my readers, however hopefully with the new book and a new site, readers will come back and will be excited about all new content to be posted on the site three times a week! I will be adding new articles to the site on a regular schedule focusing on new content! All of these new articles will start appearing on the site starting with the new site launch on January 1st!
Since there is only so much you can cover in an article, and only so many topics you can cover in a book, this leads me to my final new announcement!
Student Freelancing 101: The Mini-Guides
I discovered while writing “Student Freelancing 101” that there is only so much you can cover in an article about a particular topic and still keep within a decent length for the format you are writing. Also, in a book format, you have so many other topics to cover that if you spend a large amount of time on all the topics, you will start to have more of an encyclopedia than a book.
So, with those two realizations come a brand new feature starting in February 2013: Student Freelancing 101 mini-guides. Released bi-monthly, these guides will give you an in-depth look about specific topics relating to freelancing as a student, such as building your portfolio, contracts, how to find clients, and much more. These will be released as a PDF download on the Student Freelancing 101 website as well for a very low fee. Look for the first guide to be released in February 2013!
As an added bonus, if you preorder the “Student Freelancing 101” book between December 11, 2012 and December 31, 2012, you will receive a coupon code good for one free mini-guide of your choice during the year 2013!
Here is to a fantastic 2013 and all the exciting opportunities for student freelancers!