Students That Freelance

And here… we… go!

by: Amber Leigh Turner
We are a forgotten breed of freelancers; the student-entrepreneur types. It’s hard to find quality information about freelancing and the challenges we face as students that want to rock at freelancing. We as student freelancers have different stresses, demands, and requirements that need different freelancing advice, tips and tricks than the rest of the freelance population.

These are the reasons why we at Students that Freelance made it our mission to be the only online community for students that want to rock at freelancing. We are student freelancers and want to make noise in the freelance world!

We are here to offer a jump-off point for those students thinking about starting a career in freelancing, those that have just begun their freelance careers, and those that have been doing this freelance thing for a while who want to become even better! We hope to be the place to fill the void of business knowledge that is absent in most art and design school curriculums.

We have done a lot of research, hard work, thinking, planning, and have developed many ways in which we will not only help give excellent advice and educate student freelancers like us, but also serve as inspiration to those students who don’t think they can make their own careers.

Anxious to hear more? Well here is what we have in store for our readers…

  • Great, genuine, student-freelance targeted content! You can’t have a blog without content. One of the reasons we decided to start this site is because of the lack of articles and information online to help the student freelancer develop their careers. We will provide several times a week great articles to help you grow as a student freelancer. Not only will we tackle those issues that are common among student freelancers, but we will offer up some tips and pointers to help you with marketing and managing your business, from the student freelancers that do it best!
  • Forums! Yes, one of our main focuses here is to allow for collaboration of all kinds of student freelancers from all over the world. The student freelance population is growing rapidly, so we hope to become the central area in which the ever-growing student freelance population can come and collaborate, share tips and tricks, and get advice on just about anything! With that said, we are currently working on getting the forums up and running for our members. Stay tuned for more details! For now you can use the discussion feature of our Facebook page to meet and discuss freelancing with members all over the world!
  • Student freelancer interviews! Who wouldn’t love some free publicity? We will interview one student freelancer every week and feature them and their portfolio on our site every weekend! Want to be one of those student freelancers that get interviewed? Email us at with the subject “I want to be interviewed!” and give us a couple of good reasons why we should interview you!

In the wise words of the Joker, “And here we go!” We are off to the races and we will leave no student freelancer behind. It’s time for the student freelancer to stand loud and proud and take charge of their own futures as prosperous and successful freelancers!

To stay connected with us, subscribe to our RSS feed and become a fan of us on our Facebook page. We are here for you and we want to listen! Leave us a comment below, write on our Facebook wall, or shoot us an email and let your voice be heard!! We would love to hear what you have to say and what you want to see here on the site. We are here for you!