As promised, we have launched the forums today to help facilitate learning amongst our student freelance readers! Apply for membership, read the rules, and then start chatting away with all of your questions and advice!
We hope this will be a central place for student freelancers all over the world! Know some student freelancers that can benefit from a targeted forum dedicated to all things student freelance? Spread the word! The more members, the better!
Can’t wait to see you on the forums! Click on the “the FORUMS” link at the top of any page to be sent to the forums!
P.S. I know the forums don’t match the site at the time, but I thought it was more important to get forums up and running than the way they look. I am working on the design and adding features to the forums so please bare with me. I am a busy student freelancer too!
I’ve already signed-up on the application form 🙂